Mermay 2020: Thank you for the Meal

Thank You For the Meal

Here is another Mermay piece that is now available on my Redbubble Shop!  I drew her all digitally.  I'll have to go back and do more work digitally soon. I also really need to get around posting all the drawings I've been working on in my shop.  I suppose that will be my main mission, along with levelling up my skills, once the current production ends. 

It has been pretty busy and I've been doing freelance work as they come and working on my skull series. It has been good but I feel like there is just never enough time in the day.  I am looking forward to having a break later this year and actually studying all the courses I bought, while they were on sale.  In the meantime, I'll be working my tush off until then.

Second week of lock down here in Melbourne.  Got to say, it's been quite the downer not being able to see anyone or go anywhere. I know that I am in a fairly lucky position that I don't have kids to home school, my partner and I are still working, we're in a relatively safe area and we don't live in a shoe box. Still, I would like to see family, friends and go out to restaurants and go to an art store, buy some new clothes, all the fun stuff that many of us have taken for granted in the past, am sure. Who knew that this what 2020 was going to be like. Betcha no one thought they'd be living through a plague when 2019 ended.  Hopefully, we can go back to a normal where we are not required to stay home on weeks on end.  

How is everyone coping?  I am keeping busy, it's my normal state of being, really but that's how I am and how I cope with most issues.


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