Life Update: Second Book Launch, new gig and work in progresses


Marta Tesoro and Karen Wasson Book Launch
Karen Wasson and Marta Tesoro on their second book launch together's been a while again since I last wrote.  Oopsie!  Things have been busy as per usual.  To recap, Karen Wasson and I had another book launch for Drop into the Ocean: A tour of the World's Ocean's and Seas, together at Eltham on June 16.  It was good fun.  It's run by a lovely lady named Meera and she had a worker named Spencer there that made the launch as smooth as possible. The bookshop is inviting and very cosy. They also support a lot of local artists and I would recommend people come and visit.

Drop into the Ocean illustrated by Marta Tesoro
Marta Tesoro children's book illustrator

Australia Children's book illustrator Marta Tesoro

Here I am again showing the kids how to draw Neptune. It worked out a bit better this time as we timed it properly with our talk though I am still a bit awkward with kids.

children's book illustrator Marta Tesoro
Marta Tesoro Children's book illustrator

And there was more book signing this time too.  I do hope people enjoy the book when they buy or receive them!

snake drawing by Marta Tesoro
Snake by Marta Tesoro

Aside from that I had some big drawing days for frogs and snakes for a fabric company.  I'll tell you more later once that's all released.  The snakes were a no go so am thinking I may just put that on my Redbubble shop later but I think the frogs will get turned into a pattern.  We'll see how that goes.

Marta Tesoro watercolour painting
Hanzo and Marta Tesoro's work in progress painting

Hanzo as always is keeping me company and assisting me while I work.  Whatever would I do without my cute fluffy assistant?

Platypus drawing by Marta Tesoro
Australian Illustrator Marta Tesoro

Platypus is another pattern that I am working on. We shall see how that goes too! These were originally painted with watercolours and I've started editing them in Photoshop.

The last life update is that I am currently working for an animation studio till September on another adult animated TV series that I can't say much about yet!  Perhaps later.


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