
Showing posts from October, 2013

#Inktober 31: Cold little Witch

Mepxy Halloween Illustration Competition: Send in the Clowns

#Inktober 30 and Randomondayness: Cyber Rabbit

#Inktober 29: Fuzzy creature

#Inktober 28 and IF: Creature

#Inktober 27 and Ranmondayness: Loony Lion in Formal Wear

#Inktober 26 and Ranmondayness: Gorillagon

WIP for the Venus Rising Exhibition

#Inktober 25: Wind

#Inktober 24: Questioning

#Inktober Day 23..? : The rider

#Inktober Day 22: A litle odd creature

#Inktober 21: Masks and Ribbons

#Inktober Day 20: Formal Bird

Armageddon 2013

#Inktober 19: Head mount

#Inktober 18: pose challenge

#Inktober Day 17: face again

On the cover of Kidscreen....

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