
Showing posts from August, 2013

Design Job: Varangian Soldiers

Illustration Job: Mock Crest

Design Job: Princess Lolita

Mouse Design

Illustration Job: Cyborg badge again for app

Woman face sketchy sketch

Illustration Job: Half eaten steampunk cake for an app

Mechahat: Sphere

Mecha Duck Hat

Workin' before 6:20 am

Mecha hat: lightbulb

Illustration Job: Surreal badge creature

Corporate Animation Job: tickbox test scene

Background Design: Dukes of Broxstonia Season 02 (Lukes rehearsal studio)

Illustration Job: Medieval badges

Illustration Job: Farm App (dog design)

Concept Art: Christmas Wrapper

Red Lipstick

The trusty light box

Latest Aquascaping attempt

Illustration Job: another surreal badge

Illustration Job: Farm app (horse design)

Illustration Job: Farm App (rooster design)

Just a normal day at work

Illustration Job: Farm app (cow design)

Illustration Job: another monster badge

Illustration Job: Steampunk sandwich filling

Illustration Job: Surreal Badge for app

Some old pics from Squishface Studio


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