Workin' before 6:20 am

Hello, hello.  Thought I'd take a shot of me working at the cafe next to my gym.  This was me early in the morning, downing a coffee before my 7:15 am session.  I am pleased to say that I managed to get 2 out of 4 illustrations fully inked today.  That said...I have another batch to rough out and submit for approval over the next few days though.

I am currently working on a rather long and tough shot at work at the moment and it's taken a bit more than two days to do just because it's really massive.  So massive it started freezing up on me this afternoon.....about 7 times to be exact.  I got so frustrated that I decided to look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow morning because the last bit of animation is really very simple.  If only the darn file would stop chugging!  Anyway, I did manage to hide/turn off everything I am not animating tomorrow so hopefully the last section will go smoothly.  Here's hoping.

For other news: always be alert when crossing the road, even if you have right of way.  Like having a green pedestrian light.  I was almost hit by a car today as a woman drove over the pedestrian crossing too far trying to beat the yellow light then proceeds to back up, not see me on the crossing when am right of way and almost hit me.  I saw her though and am pretty alert...most of the times.  Anyway, a rather unpleasant experience and a reminder that there are a lot of idiots on the road and that anyone is vulnerable to an accident at any given time.

Anyhoo, early night tonight.  Got a 6:30 am gym session before work tomorrow! 


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