
Showing posts from June, 2015

Oz Comic Con Day 02

Oz Comic Con 2015 Day 01

Diary Doodle: 04and 05: Seal and Swans

Diary Doodle 03: Ping Pong Goldfish

Diary Doodle 02: Stag

Mepxy Marker drawing: grey scale practice

Mepxy Marker portrait: JFoo

Art Boy exhibition: Greatest Hits Volume 02

Mepxy Marker portrait: The Gridler

Mepxy Marker portrait: @artbynataliebeth

Diary Doodle 01: Rabbit

Fruity fruit fruits...

Monster Babe: Ghoul

Urban Sketching: National Gallery of Victoria

Animation, Rigging, Scene set-up, front view design: RAC project

Pet Portrait: Rupert

Urban Sketching: view outside from Melbourne Museum

Belgian Beer Cafe Waffles

Coffee and Cacti

Mouse Heart

#Meet the Artist

Ducky coloured...

Avocado Smash

Indy Colour

Urban Sketching: Yarra Building at Fed Square

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