

Things are a bit better now. Not ideal but better. A friend and I have been having a few personal difficulties lately and we've patched things up. Some feelings will hurt for a while but he means a lot to me and he says that I am very important to him as well and I believe that. We have a lot of fun together and we've been through a lot; great and wonderful times as well as a whole lot of shit. Shit that affected me at work, our friendship and sometimes our other relationships. Shit that has affected my head, my pride and sometimes I vent to other people about it or tell them a bit about the problem and I end up feeling guilty afterwards when it's all patched up. Foolish feeling, really. I have other friends who are wonderful, talented and great people and who I have every right to talk to when am feeling down. Friends who I would help if they needed me.

Anyway, things are better. I am finishing off my work and this current contract is drawing to a close. It was awesome fun but I need a break. My head space needs a break. I need to ramp up being active again and play Wii!!!!


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