

I feel much better today and I feel that my outlook in life is looking up. My thoughts just feel a lot clearer than they have been in a while and I feel much better because of it. My fridge is now spic and span and I can use the freezer again. The freezer has been caked with ice and I couldn't open the door to it and now I can! Ice cream and other frozen delights for me!!! Oh, and cooking up stocks of food to last me a week when I start going to work.

Anyhow, going to the bank tomorrow morning then am doing work till 5:30pm and I'll be bouldering after that. Should be good. Thomas is also giving me his fitness ball and that will be awesome because I'll be able to work my core muscles while sitting in front of the computer and watching DVDs, woo hoo!!! Yes....am a bit of a fitness freak who like junk food and it's a contradiction am well aware of...and I don't care! Bring on the weights, the rocks and the cookies!


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