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I am exhausted. Been working really hard all week with illustration and animation work. The clients seem happy so far so i am happy. This will be the first time this week since last Saturday that I will be going to bed before 1:00 AM. Wow...

I start at Ettamogah again on May 21. I was suppose to start June 04 but they decided that they wanted me earlier. So that's pretty cool! Not much to tell at the moment aside from the fact that next week is my last week to work from home and after that I will be working full-time at Ettamogah till September or late August. They promised me cake if we get ahead in the animation department. Yay!

Oh, and that short film where I did one scene for the Animadness competition this year, that Bigkidz entered , got 3RD place.

Have to go shopping for a Mother's Day gift tomorrow after I get feedback from clients and do whatever fix-ups that need be...


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