Gym Bunny


Long time no write. Things are pretty good. I've had some free time on my hands so I've been going to the gym regularly and doing Oil illustrations (like the one above) these last couple of weeks. My arms and legs feel like they're about to fall off but I am truly hooked going to the gym. I like being active and it clears my head and I can think of more things to draw. I can't believe I've suddenly turned into a Gym Bunny.

I surprisingly don't really have an after-hours job at the moment. At least not these last couple of weeks. The Wizzmedia stuff is slow and not too sure about how the other "possible jobs" are going at the moment either. But it has been good not having to work after hours all the time too. I've been able to relax and do my own stuff which has been really pleasant.

Still if I am offered a good job to do I will be more than happy to do it! I still love working. The only difference is that if I am not working on a job I will be doing my own projects or going to the gym. :)

Back to the gym tomorrow!


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