The year is ending

Zactoons: Chavin It
Zactoons: Bitter Barney
wizzmedia: Alexandra


The year 2007 is soon coming to an end. It was a very good year in terms of work but I had to help some people so I didn't fulfill all the goals I wanted this year. The coming year will be me focusing on achieving my goals.

The last few months were incredibly busy with jobs. I was working at Viskatoons doing the Divinyls clip, a Ted's commercial and Pixel Pinky (animated TV series to be shown on Channel 09 Australia at some point). I was also working for Zactoons, doing some Bitter Barney Animations and Chavin It. I also did 4 educational animations for Wizzmedia which involved a Bunny and I finished my last contract for the year last Friday before Christmas for Renmotion. It was a dance animation.

I am currently working on my own stuff which is refreshing though I think I will be starting more work some time in January already. We shall see...

I hope everyone has had a great Christmas and will have an awesome New Year!!!!


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