Work is about to pour.....


Well lots of things are happening. I am currently doing freelance work for Wizzmedia and Bananaland. Wizzmedia I will be finishing off this month and Bananaland some time in March. Things are heating up at Squarei and Bigkidz though start dates are a bit vague and Ettamogah will be starting soon too, between May-July for me. July being the danger point as I will need to be there full-time if schedule goes to plan. I just had an interview with Visual Playground as well and I think I will accept their job offer, though I will have to let it be known that both Ettamogah and Visual Playground will clash starting July and will need to tell Visual Playground that I can't be there as much in the last 2 months. It's going to be a major juggling act on my part. Ah well.

I also did my first Acrobatics and Urban Salsa dancing last week! I had fun and am definitely hoping to be able to go there regularly. I am excited that the rock climbing technique course is this coming weekend! I am really looking forward to it! I want to become a better climber.

I am a little worried about all the work, hoping that they all dont end up clashing. I enjoy working in all the companies I am with so I dont want to stuff or fail anyone....just have to see. Joys of a freelancer....


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