
Hi Everyone!
Things have gotten very busy since I last wrote! I finished that job for Renmotion a few days ago and Zactoon and Wizzmedia work has also started. I am also doing a couple of full-time days at the Australian Children's Television Foundation doing some game testing. Much busy-ness and that makes me happy!
The illustration above is for the Unit-16 forum that I am a part of...
Now let's see...there's much to update! I conquered the wall that was the bane of my existence at the indoor rock climbing centre but now I have a new wall I want to conquer. Things are good with all my friends and if the Visual Playground thing was meant to happen, it'll happen. Though I may be too busy now to take on a full-time position before I start full-time work at Ettamogah in July.
Work is good! I like being productive and it funds savings, tax payments, bills, eating out and extracurricular activities. More work, the better! Though I do get tired and I wonder how I am going to fit climbing, gym ans several jobs at the same time....
I am also getting slightly obsessive with collecting piggy banks and filling them up with coins. Like I fill up one, then instead of depositing the contents to the bank I buy another container and try and fill that up and I have a separate one for gold coins and silver coins, goal is to fill an entire cupboard of it! Slightly neurotic, obsessive and weird I know. My friend Daniel thinks I should wean myself off it before it becomes worse. But I like filling up containers with things and coins are as good as any! I end up saving money too :)
Going rock climbing today then doing some more work at night. Looking through this game I start testing tomorrow and setting up my new Wizzmedia and Zactoon work! Hopefully I finish one of the animations or a scene some time tonight...
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