29th year approaching

It's my birthday on Friday...heh. I have nothing planned really. Might go out to dinner and I've arranged Yumcha on Saturday for the Animation team. I dunno, I just wanted some thing low key this year. Dinner and a movie is enough for me. I might do something for next Saturday

I worked really late last night with the team, I hope it doesn't happen again but I dont hold much hope. We got what needed to get done, done and am glad that we did. A bit of pressure is off for a little bit. The animation team has been calling themselves Team Awesome and I totally agree with them.

I have several short film ideas and have started doing some character designs. I dont have anything that I am happy with yet but am glad to have a new project in sight. I miss entering into festivals. I miss hearing people react to something I have created. I want to go overseas and watch my film somewhere. Well, am planning to buy my own copy of Toon Boom and a new computer which should be awesome!

Feeling melancholic, am just tired I guess, it was a late night.

Got my first Japanese lesson tomorrow, looking forward to it.


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