Life drawing progress Week 01-04 and other

Hi there,

This blog is all about posting up drawings and animations and jobs. Professional stuff really, when I remember to be. I have been going to Life Drawing class once a week for a month now and
have decided to display what I have done so far. I'm pretty much posting my best stuff of the week and will be doing so, once a week shortly after life drawing from now on.

Week 01 Feb 24 2010

I used normal sketching pencils for these.

Week 02: March 03 2010

I wasn't too happy with a lot of my sketches so I am only going to post one from this week, here he is :)

Week 03 March 10 2010

I think am getting a bit better. I have also decided to draw using fine liners and pens. No pencil.

Week 04: March 17 2010

Ah, my progress thus far! I really do like drawing straight from pen though it gets a bit unforgiving when I make mistakes.

Practice makes perfect and I still need to work on my proportions.


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