IF: Resolutions

Hi there!

Happy New Year to everyone and may 2011 bring awesomeness to you all!

This is my entry to Illustration Friday: Resolutions.  To be honest I really struggled with this one.  I struggled making resolutions in general...I just want to take things as they come this year.  I've been spending some time self-evaluating during the holidays and just realizing I can't organize everything.  I can make all the lists and promises in the world but I can't stop things from occurring, I can't control the people around me and so I just want to play things by ear this time around and just strive on doing as much as I can of the things I want to do when I can do them.  Like drawing for Illustration Friday ;)


  1. I love this illo :) I forgot all about IF again this week, must remember to take a look at tomorrow's prompt and get back on track :)

  2. Very very cool illo with great texture! :D

  3. Like that you chose a different colour background - give it a nice feel.

    You know, resolutions can be fun too - like I resolve to read a good book or to enjoy a really good cookie once a few (etc.).

    Have a great 2011!

  4. Love the drawing! Nice linework and the contemplative look on the face.

  5. Your ilustrations are amazing! :)

  6. And your animations are amazing!!

  7. Your illustration is so recognizable. A bit of thinking before going to sleep, then too much inspiration while having to sleep, therefore that pencil in her mouth and writing pad next to her.


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