Hello, hello!

I am back from my trip!  Just got back on the 19th of April.  For those who dont know, I did not end up going to Japan because of the recent disasters and decided to go on a Europe tour with "Topdeck" for my vacation.  I had a brilliant time, except when I got bitten by bed bugs in a hostel in was not pleasant and I still bear the marks. It turns out, I was allergic to the suckers.

I ended up going to London, Paris, Switzerland, Florence, Rome, Venice, Salszburg, Vienna, Budapest, Krakow, Berlin and Amsterdam.  I took so many photos and I am feeling inspired to draw and animate and only wish I could work faster.  Look for the European influences that will most likely appear in my work.

I started an animation on Friday night. A small short for acting, timing and FX practice and for fun.  The above is a VERY UNFINISHED captured still. Hoping that it will be more refined and finished in a week or so.  We shall see.  I shall post the finish product on this blog.

Currently suffering from severe jetlag and am hoping it wears off soon.... yesterday I could not get to sleep till 6AM and I woke up 4 hours later at 10:30AM.  Tsk, tsk.

I am also currently looking for animation and illustration work and taking a short course in 3D.  Should be fun!  Hoping to get more work soon though.

Hope you are all well and enjoying the Easter Holidays!


  1. Welcome back! Whoa, that is some European tour. :D So many beautiful cities and sights.

    How exciting, a new animation! I'm looking forward to seeing it. Happy Easter!

  2. Welcome back! I see you visited so many places and I´m sure you enjoyed a lot your travel!

    I would love to see your new animation! the characters in the still look cute ;)


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