Working on "Be A Man"

Animating on an episode of "Be A Man" by David Blumenstein tonight.  Check out the first episode here if you haven't seen it yet. 

I was at the studio today, did pretty well with the footage, got home and discovered that one of my fish managed to jump out of the tank even though the lid was on. I have no idea how he did it.  The fish get a bit stressed when the heat hits the apartment.  Being a first floor apartment, it's really hard to keep the tank cool during the summer. 

We're experiencing a major heatwave in Melbourne.  It is currently cool now and tomorrow but after that, it's one 30 plus degree day after another.  Not looking forward to it at all.  I cannot wait for the heatwaves to end.  It's insane. 

For other new, will be working on more exhibition pieces tomorrow and will hopefully start framing the stuff I have too.


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