Product Study: Up & Go

What I've been drinking every morning at work.  I have to stop though since I want to lower my sugar intake (again) after the holidays.  This has loads of sugar.  I love it and it does keep me full till lunchtime without need to snack in-between.  Alas!  I rather not get diabetes for Christmas next year.

People have been chatting about how their year went, on facebook and just in general.  I did all right this year.  Accomplished a lot of drawings, had a skill jump, gained more social media followers, I got a full-time job animating (at the moment :P ) and am hoping I get to freelance here and there.  Fingers crossed! That area got slow towards Christmas, so am glad I've managed to land on my feet.  We shall see what next year brings!

I need to ramp up my social media game for next year and attempt to be fit again.  I don't have the same drive for working out (without a trainer) as I do for drawing.

For other news...I am totally into succulents now!  I am trying to propagate a few and been buying one at a time from Bunnings and my friend gave me a couple to try and keep a love.  Let's see how that pans put...still...I would like to get more though!


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