KidLit Vic 2018 and updates
Hi, hi! It's been a really long time since I last wrote on my blog, I know. It's been difficult I must admit trying to keep my all my social media accounts updated and because blogging is more of a desktop thing than a phone thing, it has fallen by the wayside a bit.
Anyhoo, last time I wrote anything was before May 19, right before the Kid Lit conference this year. It was a great event, I met up with a lot of folks I haven't seen for ages and met a lot of lovely illustrators and got some invaluable one on one advice from two publishers. One of them even gave me her card and said to contact them once I have a proper website. Food was provided, there were a lot of free seminars to go to in between the paid conferences. It was a very good day. I went to 2 workshops too and it's great to get some information from that. I would definitely go again next year.
What's been happening...well, work has been busy as usual but my team is doing exceptionally well this episode, am still going with outfits of the day, I really need to get on with doing my website and updating a few more social media things like Behance and Dribble and do other projects. In all honesty though, it's a bit of a struggle and I'm just trying to keep one or two things going outside of work.
Mm...what else...have been socializing with quite a few friends, every weekend for the month of July has and is busy and we may have to do some Saturdays soon at the Studio. Ah well.
And...I've managed to draw 50 outfits. Yay! Well, I'll try and write again tomorrow!
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