Strawberry Frog

I drew this a month or two ago,  I am still drawing, despite not posting on my blog regularly.  I don't think a lot of people read my posts nowadays, with facebook and instagram around, it really is a bit more difficult to post longer posts.  My dad still reads this though (hi dad!) and if you're reading this and you're not my dad, welcome friend!

The frog above, will eventually go up on my redbubble shop...along with quite a few other pieces.

Currently, am the team lead of 11 animators for an animated TV series. When it's released, I will talk more about it. It has been a very busy last few months.  I find the job rewarding but really stressful.  My life the last few months has been checking 100s upon 100's of shots, occasionally animating a shot or two, fixing, chasing props, making decisions, scheduling, conference calls, meetings...there really is so little animation involved, the higher you go.  I am enjoying it though, I adore my team, I think the world of my producers, the animation and assistant animation director and the boss.  No seriously, the boss is great, though sometimes the decisions made, drives me a little crazy.  Like anything though, I don't get along with everyone, mostly because we all have different view points or ideas on how to do things at work.

What's been happening that isn't work?  Well, I stay over a friend's place last Friday night, enjoyed work drinks and did shopping on Friday.  I am also currently collecting the Coles Toys when we do shopping!  I enjoy them and I think they're cute!  I really want a nutella and a milo and I still don't have one.  I do have a lot of other figures though!

I got 15 so far and a few doubles.  I just think they're super cute.

What am I doing this week....I've got a due date tomorrow and Friday for this week.  Am sure there's another one that will pop up this week.  Our line producer, who is awesome is also leaving for a few weeks from tomorrow and I am a bit freaked out by it.  She's will be a little harder until she comes back.


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