February Faces Part 01: Kitty Portraits

Rabbit Town Art

Rabbit Town Art

Rabbit Town Art

Rabbit Town Art

Rabbit Town Art

Rabbit Town Art

Rabbit Town Art

Rabbit Town Art

Rabbit Town Art

Rabbit Town Art




Hi!  I've been drawing kitty portraits for February, done for the facebook group "Kick in the Creatives" for #februaryfaces . I've been drawing the entire series on black paper and colour pencils.  These are cats from friends and acquaintances.  It's amazing how many cat owners there are in the animation industry.

 I've decided to do monthly themes, of my own choosing or invention and if there are popular artist monthly themes going like Inktober and Mermay, a practice in commitment and I come out with different series.  Not sure if I can do it every month but I will give it a try.  I have ideas for both March and April after February Faces is done.

I have been enjoying using colour pencils.  Each sketch takes me an hour to an hour and a half on average to do.  These are my friends, family and acquaintances cats.  They all belong to creative and artistic owners.  I made it to number 18 last night.  I am running a day behind.  Fingers crossed I catch up tonight! 


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