The Sketchbook Project, work in progress: My Maneki Neko (Lucky Cat ) Collection


My sister bought me this sketchbook to participate in The Sketchbook Project for August.  Sadly, because of Covid, the book came 2 months after and we missed the deadline for it to be able to travel around.  Still, we can send it back to them late so it can be archived in the library.  It should be available digitally too. I have decided to record my Maneki Neko, also known and Lucky Cat and Beckoning Cat collection. 

Here are a few pictures of finished spreads and work in progress.  I am mostly using prisma colour pencils and staedtler fine liners and uniball gel pens to draw.

Maneki Neko

I love Lucky Cats.  I think they're cute for starters and I like what they symbolise.  I like the different meaning that each colour, object, which paw is raise, symbolises.  They make great subjects to draw too. I have so much in my collection and I have 19 pages left to draw on this sketchbook.  Am drawing back to back as well, I think it's going to look super cute once it's done!

My own cat, Hanzo keeps me company and inspired while I work. 



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