2023 Year End Summary


Rabbit Town Art
Art vs Artist 2023 

As I start to write this, it is about 2 and a half hours before the end of 2024 where I am located.  It has been a very busy year, a little bit more risky than previous years and less financially great but the projects were more personally fulfilling.

I started this year continuing to work as one of the animation director's for an upcoming Netflix show with Studio Moshi, which I did till the end of May. I was helping lead a team of about 40 animators.  It was full on but quite rewarding, especially when I got to meet the crew around October.  Doing everything online was challenging and it was lovely putting faces to names. The show itself looks fabulous and I am looking forward to seeing it and talking about it. Unfortunately, until there is a press release and streaming, can't really talk about it!

During Studio Moshi I also signed up with Artshine licensing in February and because of that I managed to get some of my older work licenced and had the opportunity to submit more work to companies.  I also created look books this year and now have a better idea on how to present my work.  I also created a few collection specifically for Artshine which I would not have, otherwise.

Rabbit Town Art surface pattern illustrations
Patterns available for licencing with Artshine 

While I was at Moshi, I also finished a new collection: Charming Coastal Creatures for Kennard and Kennard. It's always a learning experience creating new patterns to a theme and seeing what a client might like. The elements are all hand drawn and then edited and coloured up in Photoshop.

Fabric Collection by Rabbit Town Art with Kennard and Kennard
Charming Coastal Creatures Collection

The next big thing that took up a good chunk of the end of the year for me was signing a contract with Hardie Grant Publishing as an illustrator to work on one of their books. It is an animal fact book and again I can't say much because it hasn't been released yet but it took me about 4 months on and off to get it fully finished.  There were delays but it all came together beautifully at the end, I must say.  I cannot wait to see a test of the book, fully bound and to show it off to everyone. The animals were all hand drawn, then edited and coloured in Photoshop.  The backgrounds were a combination of digital and hand drawn elements. I finally finished everything in mid-December.

Rabbit Town Art

I was also very busy in September and October for several Artshine fabric pattern submissions. I managed to even create another full pattern collection by the end of October, my Harvest Mingle Collection.  Not sure how it did.  I had one pattern that may possibly get printed in 2025 (not a typo) but I don't know yet.  Licencing is a real long game...well it has been for me anyway.

Rabbit Town Art pattern design
Harvest Mingle Collection available to licence with Artshine

The last major thing I accomplished this year was my last Look Book of my Steampunk Whimsy Collection, finished right after I submitted in late December before I decided to call it a year. 

Ah, forgot to mention that I also did a freelance gig in late July-early August which helped keep my financially afloat. Since a lot of the work I did this year is royalty based, I didn't earn much money at all in 2023, to be frank.  It's been a hard slog.  Though I am creatively very happy, my wallet is needing some sustenance.  It would be really nice to be able to balance both in 2024.  We shall see.  All in all, it was a year of learning, taking risks and personal fulfilment and goals and undertaking new experiences. I am looking forward to seeing what 2024 will bring.  Either way, every year that you survive with everything intact is a win for me!  

Hope you all have an amazing New Year's Eve!


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