Exciting Updates: Book Launch Tomorrow, Artshine Submission, and My Current Side Project

Drop into the Ocean Illustrator Marta Tesoro
Took so many photos of me holding the book that I've now done this for fun

Squuueeeee!!!  So my first book launch is tomorrow, Drop into the Ocean.  First one ever! Am a bit nervous admittedly.  I am not sure how it's going to go and since I am not the author (it's Karen Wasson) and am not sure what is expected of me as the illustrator.  Fingers crossed it all goes well!  Considering my back up plan is to throw the books at the people and running away, it would be best for everyone involved that the launch goes smoothly. 

Flowers from Hardie Grant Explore

The book is now available in stores!  I received these flowers from Hardie Grant to celebrate when the book was released on June 05.  It is so exciting.  I haven't been to the bookstore yet though to check it out. I love the flowers, the bouquet is gorgeous and I am touched by the lovely gesture.

Hand lettering, haven't done that in years....

There was a call out from Artshine licensing to submit work for greeting cards and below is one of the illustrations I sent.  I haven't done much hand lettering at all and I found it quite fun. I was watching a Domestika course on greeting cards while I was working on this submission and I liked how lettering could be a bit more rough and less perfect and I enjoyed experimenting with it.  I would like to practice more on it, that's for sure.  I actually did the letters on my sketchbook at the hairdresser's.  I needed my hair freshened up for the book launch, of course!

Rabbit Town Art

For this Artshine submission, I decided to utilize drawings and patterns I did for them previously.  Got to work smarter and not harder!  Artshine also encourages using existing work as it shows how the illustrations can be used for various products instead for just one specific thing.

Drawing the kitties

I am also working on a project I can't say much about yet!  All about the kitty cats and am drawing them in vector this time around.  See where the designs can go.  It is so easy to go down the rabbit hole of making cat patterns though.  The variety is endless!

Rabbit Town Art

Incidentally, I am making a lot of cats.  Here is Hanzo helping again. Good thing he's so cute.  Look at that innocent face while he gets in the way of my display.  I suppose he believes that he's the display.

Well, that's all for now!  Book launch is tomorrow though so expect another blogpost soon!


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