Art Challenge: Doggust 2024 part 02


Dog Illustrations by Marta Tesoro

Doggust is now officially over and I managed to finish all 31 dogs!  Yay!  I haven't finished a drawing challenge in years and it was nice to practice drawing dogs and have a sense of accomplishment finishing all of them. The first lesson I learned is to keep it simple.

Dog art for Marta Tesoro

I must admit that there are a few dogs that I need to fix a few dogs in Photoshop, proportions are a bit off and looks unbalanced. Again, nothing that a slight digital tweaking won't help.

Dog illustrations by Marta Tesoro

Here are the prompts that I followed for August!  In case anyone else wants to do it in their spare time or to follow the instagram accounts for Doggust next year!

I am hoping to do more drawing challenges this year, but will see.  Things have been tough, hopefully things get better soon. I have one week left on my current contract, then a 1 week break and then I move to another contract for a few months.


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