Friends, Work and Rock Climbing


Things have been good. I am now more or less fully recovered from being ill. God, I felt like I wiped out an entire forest from blowing my noise with every tissue and toilet roll paper I could get my hands on.

I am still working for Wizzmedia and Zactoons have hired me to do 8 animations (last due date in June) and I am also doing some work for Renmotion (unknown quantity and time). Should be good going to be so overloaded come next week but I like work and I love animation so bring it on! Also, Thomas and I are also discussing battle plans for our own projects that will be running on top of all my other commitments so it should be awesome! And am not being sarcastic either, having lots of things to do and they look pretty is awesome. Show reel pieces and MONEY!!!!!! Money which will ultimately pay for my laptop (which I have yet to purchase) and possibly travelling! If I do travel, doesn't look like it will happen till July which will be before Ettamogah starts. Much to do!

It's such a small world or maybe it's just my world because it seems to be filled with people from AIM (Animation Interactive Media at RMIT Uni). This is not a bad thing. But a lot of people who are very important to me, my friends, people I work and associate with (in and out of the studios) are mostly from the AIM centre. I have a lot of fond and not so good memories from AIM. I am grateful for the experience and for the lessons I learned there....and I don't just mean animation either.

Indoor rock climbing has been fun. I still have a lot of weaknesses though which I am working on. I don't like swinging from the wall, I get freaked out and I need to conquer that and I can't seem to do a "rock over" which is something I really need to work on. Going bouldering with Justin and Gavin tomorrow so that should be a lot of fun! Am looking forward to it.

Next week is all about work...all about juggling 3 different animation projects and styles! Should be good!


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