The Cat and The Owl

A drawing inspired by the nursery rhyme "The owl and the pussycat".  I changed a few things though.  Hand drawn and inked then scanned and coloured into Photoshop.  Trying to make my poses more dynamic and exciting.

It's been really nice being able to draw again.  Not having time to just do sketches for myself really does mess with my mindset.

I have a few days away from the computer so am hoping to come up with more drawing ideas and to relax a bit before doing work again.

Christmas is almost upon us!


  1. Wow, your work is amazing, so glad you've stopped by, bookmarking your blog for few hours of browsing over Christmas holidays :)

  2. Oh, that's really awesome! Their costumes are fabulous, and their poses remind me of a retro dance moves. Cool, daddio, cool!

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, Rabbit!

  3. it's great i like cat and owl!it's cool


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