First time Urban Sketching....

Chapel Street, Windsor

Chapel Street, Windsor


WIP shot

Hi!  I joined a meetup group a few days ago called Urban Sketchers and today was my first day participating with them.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself!  I have never done environment sketches before but I've always been meaning to do it.  These sketches are pieces I will most likely enter to "Art Town"  I have to make sure to get it framed and ready by April 07.  No guarantees I will get in though but am going to give it a crack anyway!

All sketches where drawn without a pencil (went straight to using a staedtler fineliner) and coloured with a combination of Mepxy and Copic markers.   The first piece I drew while standing up.  No easels so I had to hold the sketchbook with my left hand and draw with my right.  Then I had a few failed drawings, probably didn't help I was drawing under direct sunlight.  However, my next piece I did while sitting down at a cafe.

Today has inspired me to practice drawing my surroundings more.  Was really a lot of fun.  Eventually my sense of perspective will come up along with my eye for detail....I hope.


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