Inktober Day 15

Yeah...I know I've totally fallen behind on my blog posts.  A combination of being out or just not wanting to be near the computer from time to time. 

Today...was not my finest drawing day.  I stuffed up a piece that i was actually happy with and am feeling like I will never get where I want to be cos am already in my late 30s and you have so many younger and more awesome artists out there who have bigger followings and better stuff.  Anyway, was just feeling a bit disheartened.  Pulled it back by drawing something decent but yeah...just a bit down about it.

Other news, my family had birthdays this week, which was great, caught up with some friends and drawing as per normal.  I am drawing...drawing lots.  I will need to edit videos soon and update my Redbubble shop.  Poor things hasn't had any new work in it for ages.  I better do something about that.  Perhaps tomorrow if I get a chance.  There are chores to do and drawings to create, after all.  Anyhoo, this week is about catching up with friends, possibly family (they have yet to get back to me) and we have events and parties to go to!  Ayuh, lots of money to spend as well, hmmm...maybe I better go look for more work?  Or should I wait...? Decisions, decisions....


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