Seclusion Portrait during Covid 19


Hi all! How has everyone been?  

In case people didn't know, Melbourne Victoria Australia is currently in Stage 4 lockdown and has been since August 09.  It's not due to lift until Sept 13...probably.  It depends on the numbers. Stage 4 here means doing all shopping and exercise within a 5km radius, 8pm-5am curfew and no family or friends visiting or meeting up, unless they already live with you...oooh and all non-essential businesses were shut down.  My partner's workplace has been affected by that. You can read more about all the rules here.  Am kinda paraphrasing at the moment and the rules can change at any given moment.

I was asked to contribute a self-isolation portrait by The Lovepost, as an artist experiencing lockdown in Victoria.  Check out the article here and all the other awesome artists that contributed.

I live in Regional Victoria, so we're only on Stage 3 restrictions....not that it makes much of a difference.  We just don't have the curfew and the 5km rule is not strictly applied.  Though, going too far out your own area could get you fined too if you don't have a good reason of being there.

I have been handling isolation well enough.  I have been trying to keep thinking of all the positives and things that I do have to get me through it all and staying productive....which mostly translates to creating art.  I am still employed and I have a lot of online classes and books that I am ready to dive into as soon as my animation contract ends in September.  I've been exercising regularly via zoom with my Personal trainer and have been trying to keep as much contact as I can with family and friends.  My partner, Rob is great and I also have my pudgy puss and plants for company.  I still can't help but have dark thoughts though.  Basic things that i enjoy like seeing family, friends, eating out....when will these things happen again?  I love Australia but I love travelling to Japan too, and right now, we can't even leave our own suburbs without having to justify it.  So it's a bit depressing, you know?  Anyway, am doing my best to just work on things I can control and go from there.

How is everyone else going?  How are you personally dealing with the pandemic and what are the positives that you're holding on to? Would love to hear about your experiences, feel free to write it down in the comments!


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