Merry Christmas in Advance Everyone!


Hallo everyone!  it's the night of the 23rd, and just in case I don't have time to write tomorrow, I just wanted to say Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays to everyone that pops by on my blog.  

Things have been rough for a lot of people this year.  I am wishing that everyone that had a rough year, I hope it's better for you next year in 2021. 

Myself, I am grateful that I was in an industry that could work from home and was Covid safe.  I am grateful that lockdown in Victoria ended before Christmas and I can see my family, friends and actually work out in a gym with my trainer.  I am grateful that I picked up quite a few jobs after my full-time contract ended and I am not grateful that I have finished all my work and can take a breather, perhaps get all these projects on my list done before looking for more work.  I am grateful that I was inspired to draw skulls this year and stayed productive and di not go mad being isolated from a lot of people.  I am grateful we had the internet and phones so I could stay in touch with people I care about.  All in all, this year has just made me realized what it is I actually value and want to do with myself and who I want to spend my time with.  Fitness and creativity is my personal focus, working good jobs that pay well and spending time with the people I value the most.

What are you grateful for?  Feel free to write it down in the comments!

Here are some more skulls as well!  The eyeball one is my favourite out of this batch.

 If you celebrate Christmas, I hope you have an awesome one!  If not, Happy Holidays!


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