Launching Fuzzy Pudgies


Hallo, hallo!  Rob and I launched our little side project Fuzzy Pudgies on Instagram and Facebook , do have a look at both since the content and format is mostly different.  Fuzzy Pudgies are hand made wooden brooches, all hand cut and painted by myself and Rob.  Check out the videos! 

Rob cutting.....

...and me painting.

It's been really enjoyable painting wearable art and seeing other people wear it too!  So much fun to do and cute little gifts to give!

I traded pins and other products with my friend, Jess here.  Do check out her ohjessicajessica instagram!

These were birthday presents we made for a few other friends! First was for my friend Shweta.  The cat just happened to match her outfit on the day! I don't normally even use that colour palette so I guess it was meant to be!

Then my friend Sandra and it's based on her cat Mish.  I have a lot of cat owner friends.  A lot of artsits really do veer towards being cat owners since they are more dependent and are not as needy as dogs.

And I did these two for my friend Leisl for her boys, Spence and Nipster.  They are brothers, just in case you were wondering.

And here I am wearing one of my favourite designs so far!

I would say that I am passively selling them right now.  Only when people message me for them and there are a few that have been adopted/sold already so I am pretty happy with that.  I find that this is a really fun hobby for the moment and yes, I would like to sell them but I am also happy to just keep them as well, perhaps if I get overrun, I'll be a bit more active!  Do email, if you're interested in a pin though!

I am also taking commissions, want your cat painted as a fun cartoony brooch, email me!


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