Lucky Cat (Maneki Neko) Collection updated on Redbubble Shop

Maneki Neko Collection by Marta Tesoro

 Hi, hi!  I've started updating my Redbubble shop again and this is an illustration based on my lucky cat collection from a few years ago.  My collection has well and truly increased over the last few years.  Anyway, I spent the last few days, after working hours, to turn this illustration into a pattern.  It took a while and I've come up with this fairly detailed thing.  Lucky cats, also known as maneki nekos, beckoning cat, fortune cats and Chinese Money Cat (though they originated from Japan) come in many colours and carrying different props which all mean something different.  If you do have one in the house, make sure to put it near where you make money or easily seen through an open door.  I have a few in my office and next to my computer where I make most of my money.  It's good feng shui I hear, that said, I am not an expert!

The lucky cat print looks great on quite a few products!  These are a few below.  Do make sure to check out my shop and feel free to click on the product links below if you find the maneki neko print appealing!

Beckoning Cat, Fortune Cat
Lucky Cat (Maneki Neko) Collection Chiffon top

Lucky Cat (Maneki Neko) Collection A-line dress

Lucky Cat (Maneki Nekko) Collection Laptop Skin

Lucky Cat (Mankei Neko) Collection Leggings

Lucky Cat (Maneki Neko) Collection graphic top

Lucky Cat(Maneki Neko) Collection Tote Bag

Lucky Cat (Maneki Neko) Collection Pillow

Lucky Cat (Maneki Neko) Collection iphone case

Lucky Cat (Maneki Neko) Collection Mouse Pad

For other news, my current animation contract ends this week.  It was a tough project and I'll speak more about it later once it's actually been released.  It should turn up on the Disney Channel some time next year!

What are my plans, with work ending?  Well, I think I'll continue making more designs for my shop and update my folio sites and open up more online Print on Deman (POD) shops on different selling websites.  Are there any designs you would like to see made?  Feel free to leave a comment!


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