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Life Update: Second Book Launch, new gig and work in progresses

  Karen Wasson and Marta Tesoro on their second book launch together's been a while again since I last wrote.  Oopsie!  Things have been busy as per usual.  To recap, Karen Wasson and I had another book launch for Drop into the Ocean: A tour of the World's Ocean's and Seas , together at Eltham on June 16.  It was good fun.  It's run by a lovely lady named Meera and she had a worker named Spencer there that made the launch as smooth as possible. The bookshop is inviting and very cosy. They also support a lot of local artists and I would recommend people come and visit. Marta Tesoro children's book illustrator Here I am again showing the kids how to draw Neptune. It worked out a bit better this time as we timed it properly with our talk though I am still a bit awkward with kids. Marta Tesoro Children's book illustrator And there was more book signing this time too.  I do hope people enjoy the book when they buy or receive them! Snake by Marta Tesoro As

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