quick blah


The circus was fun last Friday, really enjoyed it and found it very inspiring. I need more core strength I think.

I also did a lot of leg work on Sunday and went bouldering on Monday. I am a little frustrated with bouldering. I keep trying to get some walls and am still failing. Lack of technique, strength, stamina, combination of all 3...it's just starting to frustrate me.

My legs are so sore...

Back at work now, I have one more freelance gig to finish then I start full-time at Ettamogah come Monday. I don't know if I will be able to take on anymore freelance work after this gig. I need to be able to concentrate at Ettamogah for the moment. Especially since I have a bigger role and I am still getting the hang of Toon Boom.

Anyhow, am helping out with the modelling tomorrow and catching up with my friend Mat so it should be good fun!


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