What's been on!


Things have been very busy the last few months. I finished all the Cabbies episodes and a Blood Red animation for Zactoons, I finished several animations for Wizzmedia (with one more to go) and have been learning Toon Boom at Ettamogah for the last two weeks. My head is full of toonboomy-goodness. A little nervous about having to train other animators but this is my first time as a lead animator and all I can do is jump in and hope I can handle it!

I've been gym-ing once a week and bouldering once a week the last 3 weeks. I think I will be a lot more active soon. I need to get a lot fitter than what I am and I haven't climbed close to two months now. Oh dear. Things have just been really busy and I am reticent to go because it's so cold at the centre, even with an Icebreaker on...and being winter I just want to curl up into a ball with really nice, warm food.

I'm going to see the Circus this coming Friday! Am looking forward to it! I haven't been to the Circus in ages and ages! I am also going to see an exhibition on Thursday and I just booked tickets to see Wicked in late August! Woo hoo! Much fun!

Well, going to do more training for Toon Boom tomorrow, need to work out how to animate some of the shots properly :)

Things have been very good lately. Worked things out with a friend and things have been pretty cool :) and I'm going to do my part for things to stay pleasant! Life is too short to waste it on regrets, depression and sadness (not meaning to be cliche). Crap happens, deal with it then get happy again...least that's what am trying to do.


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