IF: Layer

Hi there!

Soooo this is my entry for Illustration Friday!  I really liked the idea of a cute character just about to gobble layers and layers of food.  If I get a chance I'm going to see if I can do another illustration, the aftermath of this lil guy's feast!

I played badminton for the first time in 10 years yesterday and I had a great time.  I have been trying to exercise once a day or at least every other day.  It really does help give me more energy and clear my head.  Am sure we all get those moments of doubts, loneliness, sadness, stress and I find that being active , seeing and meeting people and socializing just keeps my thoughts in perspective. 

Exercise also keeps the weight off cause I love my sweets!  I've gotten better though.  I once went to a work gathering with an animation company I worked with in 2007.  We went to dinner at a pizza place and I ordered two desserts.  One for dinner and one for dessert!  I don't do that anymore :P


  1. love the rabbit; and what a meal! You're right about exercise. It's better than any pill.:)

  2. What a cute chomper! I love that tower of food! I appreciate the story too. I wish I could eat like this little guy but no more. Well, you're very inspiring and makes me realize I need to go for a walk today! :) I love badminton and would suggest a game ... if only you were a bit closer! LOL

  3. Loving this Illustration! Also the dessert dinner idea. Num!

  4. Nom nom nom nom!!! Dessert for dinner? That's my kind of meal! Oh, what a lucky little guy. He's adorable!!!

  5. nice little character!! :) Would love to see him or her... in another illustration! :)

  6. Hee hee...his belly is gonna be HUGE!

  7. Now thats a lot of layers! Great job! Looks delicious.

  8. Oh yummy layers!
    Ice cream and hotdogs... is the bunny pregnant? ;)
    Oh and great colors!

  9. Whoa look at his expression! So perfect for all those yummy layers :) nice illo!

  10. Oh SO wonderful!! This is a super illustration!!

  11. I LOVE your cutie! it´s so fun!!!

    I love sweets too so I like your idea of ordering two desserts, I think I´m going to do it! LOL


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