
Hi there

Here's my new piece for Illustration Friday!  This illustration was done with Copic pens and ink.  Been a while since I drew and coloured anything traditionally.  My dad used to say that my nose grew longer when I lied (like Pinocchio) and I remembered that lies, when discovered, unravels and leaves you exposed.  So thought it would be nice to draw a Pinocchio-like character with her sweater unravelling. 

I haven't been able to do any new drawings for weeks.  Been a bit uninspired and tired from working to just draw for me and I really shouldn't let that happen.  Struggling to maintain balance with life, work and personal projects...but I try.  Despite the hecticness, I've managed to train, go back to Japanese class, try new things (like Bikram yoga) and meet new people as well as keeping in touch with old friends.  I must say that I prefer to be busy than not.

One more month before I leave for Japan and I am soooo excited!  I cannot wait.  It'll be an awesome vacation!  I'm going to take lots of photos, bring a sketchbook and soak as much inspiration as I can!


  1. FUNNY CHARACTER and thank you for explaining the thinking process!!! I like it!

  2. ok, LOVE this! I like thought behind it too!
    also, your "chicken" entry was beautiful. Love your work

  3. Great style and character:)Funny idea:)
    Thanks for the comment

  4. Nice pose and concept with that!!! Works well...

  5. I love the idea of the unraveling sweater! Very clever!!
    I know what you mean about being too tired to draw for yourself. I'm so happy I stumbled upon Illustration Friday. It's just the kick in the pants I needed!
    Happy weekend!! :)

  6. Hahaha great idea, and a hilarious illo! Love her expression :) Thank you for your comment on my blog!

  7. Congrats on an original take on Sweater. Nice melding of 2 ideas.

  8. Excellent! Ooh, you are so clever! Hahaha, what a great pose. Sounds like you've been quite busy, but in a good way. And YAY for your upcoming trip to Japan! That is exciting!

  9. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Have fun in Japan!

  10. Interesting! Neat how the sweater is unraveling, just like lies do! Your work is very good; I like the different styles you have on your blog. Have fun in Japan! *Jealous* ;)

  11. This is such a great illustration, love it :)

  12. Like this little illustration and also the concept behind it!

    Hope you'll have a wonderful vocation in Japan, it should be full of fun and inspiration~!:)

  13. Great illustration!!! This is wonderful work!!!

  14. Brilliant illustration.. I love the concept!


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