
You know what the nastiest predators are?  The ones who look cute and friendly!  Dont you want to hug these guys?  Look at their big smiles!  Take a wild guess what they have in they're lil sacks and what they're going to do with them.  I imagine that these guys mugged a few storks in the way.....

My entry for Illustration Friday!  Yay!

I love what I do.  I love drawing and animating for a living but sometimes....sometimes I wish I was in something steadier and am not always looking to where my next gig will be coming from.  I enjoy and have been very lucky as a freelancer and hope to be able to keep it up.  Thinking of getting into 3D and perhaps games..that would be fun!

I have a few more weeks before I leave for Japan.  Very excited!


  1. A swarm of baby stealing, stork mugging gremlins. Very out there. I like.

  2. he hehe he he! They look so cute, but I bet they are trouble. Great colors and characters. Wonderful work. I so agree with you about this kind of work. I would love not to be concern about where my next gig was coming from. Best to you.

  3. You have some lovely illustrations, I was looking at previous posts too & I really like layer, sweater & chicken.

  4. They definitely look like trouble :D
    I'm so jealous of you going to Japan, I always wanted to go there, can i come too, please? :)

  5. Kinda scary and cute at the same time! And so many of them! Arrgh!

  6. Oooo, this is kind if unnerving! Great illo :) Love the colours.

  7. Oh YIKES, look at their teeth! And ye gads, why are they so joyful about their bounty of babies??? What will they doooooo???? Hahahahaha, scary but CUTE! My guess is they'll discover all those stinky diapers and return these babies pronto.

  8. Evil AND adorable! They remind me of my cats. Love the colours you've used, too!

  9. These guys are evil..... I love the discordant colours.. Cute but not to be trusted.

  10. Wow! I can hear them... Bravo Rabbittownanimator!!!

  11. predators?No way!!!:))
    Have a nice trip to Japan!

  12. I love these little swarming monsters!

  13. Bahaha! Great!
    Those teeth look dangerously sharp! S'pose it makes them good for slicing flesh form bone.

  14. So cute... yet so devious! Great characters and terrific twist on the topic! Now what to do with all those babies....Hmmmm

  15. Good idea ! Your characters have great faces, they seem friendly, but careful...

  16. haha, so true! And so very well done! Children and animals, huh? hehe
    A trip to Japan?? Sounds exciting, indeed! Can we expect reports from the land of the geeks? ...or, perhaps the geeks are all the Japan-nuts (like me!) visiting? ;)

  17. of course i wanna hug these guys (or one of them, it's okay, though, hahah!!!)

    have a nice day!!!


  18. bytheway, Japan?????
    yes that sounds exciting!!!!!

  19. These look like sneaky little characters! Japan sounds exciting :) Never been there...thanks for visiting my blog and leaving nice comments :)

  20. I love your cute and friendly critters!

    Enjoy Japan!!! I´ve never been there but I would love to visit it some day :)

  21. You are able to do what I eludes me-make beautifully designed work that also addresses expression and emotion.


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