IF: Soaked and new animation link

Hello everyone!

So I took a break from the drawing requests this week to create an animation for  "loopdeloop" an animation site formed by fellow creatives to submit animated loops based on a theme which is different month to month.  Not too dissimilar to Illustration Friday.  Anyway I submitted a piece and it can be viewed HERE.  The theme this month on loopdeloop is "Launch".  The sound FX was done by my friend; Daniel Waghorn.  Anyhoo, the image above is a still of my looped animation.  Please click on it if you want to see what I animated!

Now, for Illustration Friday.  I felt like drawing something sexy tonight.  I've been doing a lot of violent and cute works lately and I just felt the urge to draw something a little different.   I was thinking how nice it was to dunk cookies in milk and hot warm brownies soaking in melted ice cream and milk baths and I somehow came up with this image.  A gorgeous Asian woman having a milk bath in a mug.  As you do of course.  The illustration was done in Flash.

My imagination or bothering to have any rhyme or reason in my personal works has gone out the window at the moment.  I think it may be because of all those drawing requests and the name of the game was to come up with really creative, bizarre, weird and surreal requests.  It's a great illustration exercise, I must say.

For other news...work is on the flexible side which is why I have had a lot of time to do my own creative pieces lately.  I am enjoying it but more work is always good too!  I am also enjoying my new gym and I just tried the hydro pool.  Mmmmmmm....love it.


  1. Love the milk bath....clever thinking, too!

  2. Oooh, sssssexy! Climbing in and out of it might be a little awkward, but the soaking is wonderful. :D

    And AAAH! Your animation is fantastic! Hahaha, made me giggle!


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