Happy 2016!

Hallo!  Behold, my last drawing for 2015!  I drew it up yesterday with the mepxy markers.  Traditional drawings are fun to do.

My New Year involved myself and Rob having a quite one at his place.  The power went out about 8:00pm and I was in the middle of drawing a digital New Year piece too.  I lost a good chunk of the work but was able to save it today. Rob and I played Boggle via candlelight, chatted, looked at the stars and when the power came back on we had food and drinks and watched the fireworks on TV.  It was a very nice and low key New Years and I enjoyed it...I think Rob enjoyed it too.   2016 is definitely a year of new beginnings.

Today, I mostly worked and finished/re-did the drawing I started yesterday, today.

This is my first fully digital piece.  I don't remember if I ever drew something fully digital .   It certainly something I want to improve this year...drawing digitally.  I am currently drawing up in Photoshop and I think a good goal would be to learn Adobe Illustrator, maybe After FX and get back into the habit of doing daily drawings and uploading daily on my blog and all other social media platforms.  I used to do it all the time and it would be good to do it this year.   I guess, this year, I really want to focus on artistic goals and get better in drawing my own characters and designs.

Hope everyone, especially my loved ones and friends, have an awesome 2016!  I hope 2016 will be great for me too! 


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