Game 40 Round 04: Steampunk Gazelle 2.0 with Monocle

Hallo! Hallo!  So after 2 jobs dropped off on the same day,  I ended up picking up another 2 jobs to make up for that.  Pretty funny how things work out!

I am currently working on another e-book, 2 animation jobs and 1 illustration job.  Busy, busy!  I also have an illustration request to do for Redbubble.  The problem is...what to do....I got a style approval for the book..I probably need to finish off some of the animation since that's due on Wednesday.  Hmm...I can always smash that out on Sunday!  I feel like I guess that's what I'll do!

The drawing above is  for Kookyrabbit.  We're probably going to the city tomorrow so i thinK i better work on my entry before we leave since it's my turn again tomorrow.


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