Game 40: Steampunk Gazelle

Hi!  How goes it?  Hope everyone had a good day!  Well...let's see, I did a lot of animation today, which was great, no illustrations though, which is not as great.  I came across an incident that tells me, that in order to expand as an illustrator, I better learn a computer program called Illustrator.  Just to make myself more versatile.  Ah well.  I will just have to take a few online tutorials on my downtime and practice.  Like everything else.  Practice is really never ending.

The illustration above was hand drawn and colored but adjusted in Photoshop.  It's for the current Kookyrabbit game. I haven't drawn any side stuff lately so I haven't been able to stagger putting up this game.

Gotta submit work tomorrow and I have a few appointments on top of that!  Today, aside from work, I baked brownies and a bread pudding!


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