Watercolor 02: Space Corgi

Hi!  I am feeling much better today.  Wheee!  I even finished my animation job and submitted!  I'll be working on my book job tomorrow and some parts of Friday, so hopefully that will all be done by then!

Kookyrabbit has started up again, so I finished an illustration for that today as well.  I was also sorting out some product stuff on Redbubble.  Turns out that I didn't edit an image properly and it has affected the print.  I haven't fixed it yet, but I have made it so that the design can't be purchased by anyone else.  I should make it a point to edit some stuff for Redbubble tomorrow too.

I did the above image for World Watercolor Month.  Haven't touched any watercolors for a few days now...another monthly challenge that I may have to write off.  Tsk.  I have yet to complete any of these illustration challenges.  Total bummer.

Oh yeah, I made crackling for the first time last night!  It worked a treat.


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