Inktober Day 27: Blob Balloon

Hallo!  How goes it?  I drew this on the go and it was based on the animal suggestions I got from friends on facebook.

 A rather busy day today for myself.  I finished 2 of the scenes of an animation am working on  and started on the third, making good headway of it. I sorted out the contract/email issues with another job, replied to backed up emails,  picked up a small illustration gig due this Friday and I did some house chores.  Super busy but good.  I am disappointed that I didn't get to work on my book jobs but I'll probably have to leave that for Friday night and the weekend.  I have to cancel on a few events but not much can be done about that.  I did take the work and so I have a responsibility to get it done.

Debating if I should take a break and finish drawing this chocolate bar I started or to do more work...


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