Illustrator Australia: Paper to Pixel exhibition

Hi!  The Paper to Pixel exhibition, hosted by Illustrator Australia , was last Friday.  It was a great exhibition.  Very cool seeing all the other submissions too and rather inspiring as well.

There are bunnies hidden in the piece.  I wonder if people spotted them?  Hanzo, our kitty, made it in the piece too!

What has been happening?  Well, I am currently in my pajamas, sharing the chair with my kitty and just submitted a freelance job.  Things at work is super busy, my computer has new specs but it's now looking like that I will need to update my cintique as well since it may now be too old for the new system.  Ah well.  It's do-able at the moment but not ideal.

Now...time for some food and more mermaid drawings!  I've been participating with drawing a mermaid every month for the month of May for Mermay.  I still have to draw one for today!


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