Mermay 01-04
Hi! This daily blog is becoming more of a weekly blog, sorry about that! Things are just super busy and after a day of animating in a studio, in front of the computer, am really not that keen to get back in front of a screen. I will try to post more regularly though. However, just because am not blogging daily, doesn't mean am not drawing daily. I've been participating on Mermay since the start of this month. I'll be two days behind if I don't draw something today though! It was a bit busy, I was working on a rather difficult shot today and though I haven't finished it, all the hard bits are done! Yay!
For some news, my kitty is getting bigger and is still very active and curious, My parents came to visit and we celebrated an advance Mothers Day dinner and next week is very big for social events. So many birthdays back to back. I may also have a packaging design job...more on that if it comes to fruition! Oh, the computer updated itself and seems to have cleared up all artifact problems with my cintique, woo hoo!
Now, on social media, amongst the 4 mermaids posted here, the Yellow Boxfish (mermaid 03) is the most popular one.
Rob and I are now off to join his family for dinner for a Mothers Day thing! Then I will need to draw up a mermaid when I come home tonight!
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