Hobart Sketch Trip: Journal Entries 01

Art diary entries of Marta Tesoro/Rabbit Town Art's time at Brunetti and Mona!

Drawing of chicken liver parfait at MONA by Marta Tesoro aka Rabbit Town Art

Art diary ewntries by Marta Tesoro aka Rabbit Town Art

Hi!  I was away for a sketching trip in Hobart, Tasmania.  My companions were Evelyn, Janice and Angela.  The pictures above are my journal entries on the first day!  Mostly food, that I can draw.  We left super early in the morning, had breakfast at Brunetti's at the airport, before our flight.  Once we landed, we headed straight to MONA, an awesome museum.  I found that their current exhibition: Museum of Everything , to be quite inspiring.  I got a few ideas, for my own work, at that place.

When we arrived in the city, at our BnB, there was a mom and pop run sweet shop and it was still open when we arrived.  We ended up buying a few sweet things to eat and draw.  Afterwards, we went out to dinner at Fish Frenzy. Lovely place and I discovered mulled ciders.  Yum!

Today, am back at work and we're all trying to fine tune shots now and pick up continuity errors.  I wonder if I will get a break in-between productions?  I need to get work done on an e-book job too.  Much to do, much to do...


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