Currently recovering and......


Well Justin's surgery is on this Wednesday. I hope he will be all right. 3 months worth of recovery time and I know how he feels about being inactive. I hope he wont be in too much pain after surgery.

I've got two more Cabbie episodes to do and one Blood Red. My last day to get everything done is June 09. Not long to go but still a lot of work to do. I also have two more Wizzmedia games to finish. Much to do.

I am recovering....again. Now all I have to do is not push myself too much and I should be fine. This is the first time I've been sick so many times in my life and I suspect that it's because I don't stop working, doing activities during the recovery period. maybe going to Gym then Acro last Saturday wasn't the brightest of moves but I was really craving to be active again. I can't go back to being sedentary. Incidentally I managed to do a 100 push-ups at Acro and I wasn't even a hundred percent yet. Am proud!

However, that said I do need to rest more and I don't and I am wearing myself down to the ground with work. There's a lot to do and I really enjoy it but I do take on too much. Again, I am really thankful that I have awesome clients and they like my stuff!

Oh, the drawing above was suppose to be an OIL illustration but the design is much to far away for this character to belong in the OIL world...but I may be able to use her for something else.

My birthday is on 28. There still so much I haven't achieved yet. Celebrating with majority of my friends and people I like and want to get to know better this Friday at a Spanish restaurant. I am looking forward to it. I am also hoping Justin can make it, but his health is more important. getting so frickin tired being home all the time working and recovering. I think my brain is snapping from the loneliness and the stir-craziness and my moods have been a lot more volatile lately because of it. I've been playing stuff on youtube just so I can hear people talk. Talk back radio annoys me. I can't even focus and relax because I can't exercise much. It's frustrating not being able to go all out and push myself. Am still angry I had to bail out early at the beep test we did at Acro. My lungs just wouldn't take in anymore air. I was the first one to bail pride more than anything feels a lil stung by it.

I am going to be finishing all my jobs soon. Then I am going to sleep and get back into rock climbing and gym and go all out at Acro (acrobatics for those that don't know) and learn TB before Ettamogah starts.


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